During the first part of the SMA-TB project, and despite the COVID-19 outbreak, SMA-TB consortium partners have been working together on setting up project tools, preparation of Clinical Trials, capacity building and SMA-TB communication and dissemination. 2021 will now be the time to start the Clinical Trials in South Africa and Georgia to collect all the samples and data for further research.
2020 has painfully shown us how necessary is the interdisciplinary research on infectious diseases, which makes our involvement in SMA-TB an additional opportunity to contribute to this global challenge. Therefore, we are very happy to welcome this first edition of the SMA-TB newsletter. The communication dimension is part of SMA-TB´s integrated approach not only for sharing project’s achievements, but also helping everyday lives of patients and their career and other responsible for TB. Our goal is to give information with transparency to all stakeholders’ groups, by sharing current status and project's development. With this aim, I hope our newsletter will be useful for you to keep in touch and get involved.
Dr. Cris Vilaplana, SMA-TB Project Coordinator
